
Crimes Against Humanity Against the Citizens.

  It is difficult to believe the faces that are obstructing the procurement process for the commission in the procurement of vaccines against the Kovid-19 epidemic.  But the available evidence shows that the government, the ministry and the middlemen have committed crimes against humanity against the citizens. The vaccination campaign started in Nepal after India donated one million doses of corona vaccine last January. Immediately, the government, in coordination with the Indian government, wrote a letter to the Serum Institute of India to purchase 2 million doses.  Serum covsilde is a vaccine manufacturer. Serum also looked positive in Nepal's letter.  He pledged to provide the vaccine to Nepal at a concessional rate of four dollars.  But his condition was to pay in advance. Last February, the Council of Ministers suspended the provisions of the Public Procurement Act and paved the way for advance payment to Serum.  There is a rule in the Procurement Act ...

Corona's Apprehensive lifestyle

The corona of the second type (variant) is spreading rapidly. Experts say that it has become more and more shifting due to its harsh nature. It looks like this is going to test the resilience of all of us. Isn't it testing me somewhere? I have been feeling this way since the day before yesterday but I have not tested it.  I want to share with everyone here about what has happened to me and what measures I am taking to get rid of it. So that I can get and follow the invaluable suggestions of the people here. My condition I am not a very strong person in terms of health. About 29 years ago today, my aortic valve was replaced by open heart surgery and the mitral valve was repaired. Since then, I have been taking blood thinners as well as diuretics. About ten years ago, he was treated for a problem with the water in his lungs. Since then, the lungs have been weaker than usual. About 20 years ago, Dr. Sanduk Ruit operated on the left eye pupil and inserted a plastic pupil into his right...


1. Don’t call someone more than twice continuously. If they don’t answer, it simply means they have something more important to attend to. 2. Return money that you have borrowed even before the other person asks for it, be it Rs.1 or Rs.100. It shows your integrity & character. 3. Never order expensive dishes on the menu when someone is treating you. If possible ask them to order their choice of food for you. 4. Don’t ask awkward questions like ‘Oh so you aren’t married yet?’ Or ‘Don’t you have kids’ or ‘Why didn’t you buy a house?’ For god’s sake, it isn’t your problem. 5. Always open the door for the person behind you. It doesn’t matter if it's a guy or a girl, young or old. You don’t become small by treating someone well. 6. If you tease someone and they don’t seem to enjoy it, stop & never do it again. 7. Praise publicly, criticize privately. 8. There’s never a reason to comment on someone’s weight. Just say, “You look fantastic.” If they want to talk about losing weigh...

कोरोना सङ्क्रमित हुँदैमा थला परिन्छ भन्ने छैन तर थला पर्नुभो र तपाईं सामान्य नागरिक हुनुहुन्छ भने उपचार पाउने र बाँच्ने संभावना साह्रै कम रहेछ ।

  कोरोना सङ्क्रमित हुँदैमा थला परिन्छ भन्ने छैन तर थला पर्नुभो र तपाईं सामान्य नागरिक हुनुहुन्छ भने उपचार पाउने र बाँच्ने संभावना साह्रै कम रहेछ । आज बुटवलको समाचार पढेर मन विचलित बनेको छ । देवदह नगरपालिका-६ की एक महिला भाइरसले थला परिन् । हिजो सङ्क्रमण पुष्टि पनि भयो । सास फेर्न गाह्रो हुन थालेपछि उनलाई हस्पिटल भर्ना गर्नुपर्ने भो । बुटवलमा रहेको कोरोना हस्पिटल पूरै भरिएको रहेछ । अवस्था बिग्रिन थालेपछि तत्काल आइसियु बेड चाहिने भयो । उनका श्रीमान् आफै वडाध्यक्ष रहेछन् । नगरकी मेयर र उनले बिहानभर बुटवलदेखि काठमाडौंका प्रायः सबै हस्पिटलमा सम्पर्क गर्दासमेत कतै बेड भेटिएन । यहाँसम्म कि अक्सिजन सप्लाई भएको बेड पनि भेटिएन । स्थानीय सरकारप्रमुख मेयर स्वयंले पहल गर्दा पनि केही नलागेपछि बल्लबल्ल उनलाई बुटवल हस्पिटलको 'फिवर-क्लिनिक'मा भर्ना गर्नुपर्यो । कोरोना सामान्य ज्वरो भएको भए क्लिनिकले उपचार गर्दो हो । दिनभर छटपटिएर दिउसो चार बजेतिर उनले प्राण त्यागिन् । हामीसँग महिनौंको समय थियो । जिन्दाबाद र मुर्दाबाद गर्दै सिंहदरबारदेखि गाउँगाउँसम्म भाइरस फैलाउनुको सट्टा अलिकति स्वास्थ्यपूर्वा...

The youths cleaned the Phewa canal by mobilizing groups through social media

Garbage piled up in the canal carrying the water of Fewatal has been in the news on social media for some days now. The water flowing from the canal at the damside reaches the powerhouse of Phewa Micro Hydropower Project. The same water is also used for irrigation. After seeing the discussion and concern on social media about the accumulation of garbage in this canal of Damside, the youths of Pokhara made a plan to dump garbage. Ashish Puri, a young journalist from Pokhara, called on Facebook to clean the damside canal. He called for cleaning the canal with a new design. Other youths who were in contact with him also started connecting. They collaborated with the local Damside Youth Club to pick up garbage. The public appeal to pick up the garbage from the canal and the crowd of youths who were in touch soon gathered, they reached the damside on Monday morning to pick up the garbage. There was no place to pick up garbage. The youths of Damside Club called a garbage truck of Pokhara met...

कोरोना: साबधानी अपनाउनु जरुरी छ , तर आत्तालिनु आवश्यक छैन

साबधानी अपनाउनु जरुरी छ , तर आत्तालिनु आवश्यक छैन   #तथ्य हेरौं ! #नआत्तिऔं ! #नअत्याऔं !!  १) शुरुमा इटली देखाएर तर्साइयो ।  इटलीमा ४० लाख कोरोना संक्रमित भए भनियो !  र, १ लाख १५ हजारको मृत्यु भयो भनियो ।  जुन मान्दा पनि ३ प्रतिशत मृत्युदर हुन्छ।  २) त्यसपछी अमेरिका देखाएर तर्साइयो अमेरिकामा ३ करोड २७ लाखलाईकोरोना संक्रमण भयो भनियो ।  र, ५ लाख ८५ हजारको मृत्यु भयो भनियो जुन मान्दा पनि २ प्रतिशत मृत्युदर हुन्छ ।  ३) त्यसपछी ब्राजिल देखाएर तर्साइयो ।  जहाँ १ करोड ४३ लाखलाई कोरोना संक्रमण भयो भनियो ।  र, ३ लाख ८९ हजारको मृत्यु भयो भनियो । जुन मान्दा पनि २ प्रतिशत मृत्युदर हुन्छ ।  ४) ठीक त्यस्तै अहिले भारत देखाएर तर्साईदैछ।  जहाँ १ करोड ७० लाखलाई कोरोना लाग्यो भनिएको छ।  र, १ लाख ९२ हजारको मृत्यु भयो भनिएको छ।  जुन मान्दा पनि १ प्रतिशत हुन्छ ।  ५) अनि अहिलेसम्म संसारमा १४ करोड ७० लाखलाई कोरोना लाग्यो भनिएको छ ।  र ३१ लाखको मृत्यु भयो भनिएको छ । जुन लगभग २ प्रतिशत मृत्युदर हुनजान्छ ।  अर्थात,  क...

"MCC का छद्मभेषि खम्पाहरुसंग तलको ब्याख्याको अर्थ मागौं

" MCC का छद्मभेषि खम्पाहरुसंग तलको ब्याख्याको अर्थ मागौं ! नेपाल गिजोल्न र चीनसंग लड्न बर्दी लगाएर बाहिर आउन भनौं  तल फोटोमा हेर्नुहोस्, दफा ७.१ मा 'MCC संझौता र नेपालको राष्ट्रिय कानू बाझिएमा प्रस्तुत संझौता लागु हनेछ' भनिएको छ। यो दफाले नेपालमा २ वटा सरकारको वकालत गरिरहेको छ। त्यो भन्दा तल अनुसूची (३) को (क) को 'स्वतन्त्र मूल्यांकन' नामको शिर्षकमा नेपालले MCC परियोजनाको असर वा कार्य सम्पादनका बारेमा कुनै जानकारी लिन चाहेमा MCC को 'पूर्व स्विकृति' लिनु पर्ने बनाएको छ। यसको अ र्थ हो, MCC ले के गरिरहेकाे छ र त्यसकाे कामको असर के कस्तो परिरहेको छ भन्ने कुरा MCC को अनुमति विना बुझ्न पाईने छैन। यसबाट स्पष्ट हुन्छ कि त्यसले ट्रान्समिशन लाईन देखाएर अरु कुनै अबान्छित कामहरु गर्न खोजेको छ।  यससंग जोडिएको अझ डरलाग्दो प्रावधान दफा ६.३ मा छ। सो दफाको (ख) मा भनिएको छ कि MCC संझौता र अन्य कुनै संझौता बाझिएमा वा परस्पर असंगत भएमा MCC संझौता लागु हुने भनिएको छ। 'अन्य कुनै संझौता' भनेर अरु देशहरुसंग भएका संझौताहरुलाई ईंगित गर्न खोजिएको हो। यो प्रावधानले के सन्देश द...